Monday, October 8, 2007

Work in Progress

I have a photo here of a oil painting I did during a life drawing class... I enjoy the colors I created with a limited palette yellow, red, black, and white. I found it to be extremely hard to keep the paint thick. I've become so used to the transparency of watercolor that I've taken that technique into my oil paintings. Which is nice for a unique style but disappointing when your supposed to be layering it on. As in the world, and in art... love and hate run hand and hand. I love how oil moves and stays wet for days. And hate how oil moves and hate when it stays wet for days.

I was really inspired after this class to push my figure to the next level. The limited palette makes you lay down the foundation colors of light and dark. The more I practice this the more likely I will be able to make a better sculpture. Every-time I touch the canvas or newsprint all I can imagine is what it would be like to actually create what I see.

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