Monday, November 26, 2007

Topic Research

For my last project I am to work with the continuation of sculpture... I am in the process of researching more information on soapstone. I am wanting to play with it and just experiment with something the masters have used. I am also going to continue using the white clay I have become familiar with.

It's exciting to think of my little statuette collection I have coming along... I have yet to have all the pieces aligned. I need to fix up the last sculpture I created... the hand was really throwing me off during its presentation. I have yet to plan another way of the burn... the funds are just not there. And the weather isn't generous for grilling.

I just want to get started creating!

1 comment:

Natasha said...

it's interesting that you put that picture of those ancient statues- there's something about the multiplicity of them that is similar to your three together - like they are an offering like those ancient ones were? especially now that one of them is burned.